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Stay Updated on New Albany Implants

What Does Breakfast Do to Your Teeth?

In this part of the country, we love breakfast. In fact, we love breakfast so much that it is not uncommon to eat breakfast for dinner, and at many restaurants you can get breakfast 24-hours.

At New Albany Implants, we want you to enjoy a healthy breakfast, but we also want you to enjoy a healthy set of teeth. So, let’s take a moment to see what breakfast may be doing to your teeth.


For many of us, bacon is the best part of breakfast. Whether you like it chewy or extra crispy, bacon is a staple of an American breakfast. It should come as no surprise that bacon is not the healthiest thing for you to eat in the morning, or any other time. Aside from the negative effects bacon has on your heart and general health, it could cause some problems for your oral health, as well.

The problem with bacon is that it breaks up into little, stringy pieces of meat when you chew it. These pieces of meat easily get stuck between your teeth where they can irritate your gums. If the bacon debris stays between your teeth, it could irritate your gums to the point that chewing becomes painful.

The goods news is that this problem is easily solved. A regular brushing, and especially flossing, routine will remove the bacon from your teeth, and keep your gums feeling great. Of course, this will do nothing to protect your heart from the effects of bacon, so eat it in moderation to protect your general health.


The health benefits, or lack thereof, of eggs has been the topic of controversy for years. It seems like one year eggs are good for you, and the next they are not. When it comes your dental health, however, eggs do not pose much of a risk. At least no more than any other food. There is one thing you should be careful about when it comes to eating eggs, and that is the hard shell.

It is not uncommon for pieces of the shell to find their way into the eggs, especially if you eat them scrambled. A little piece of hard eggshell can cause a lot of problems, and a lot of pain, if you bite down on it. They can get stuck between your teeth, and they can injure your gums.

The best way to protect yourself from bits of eggs shells is to be careful. Take small bites and eat slowly, so that if you do find a bit of eggshell, it is less likely to cause damage.

Fresh Fruit

If you are not eating fresh fruit for breakfast, you should be. Fruit, like grapefruit and cantaloupe, provide vitamins and nutrients to give you energy and protect your health. They are also filled with healthy fiber. The fiber in fresh fruit will help you generate saliva as you chew it. Saliva is good for your teeth. It not only helps neutralize acid and remove food debris from your teeth, it also natural bacteria fighting properties that prevent tooth decay.

Fresh fruit does contain sugar, though, which causes tooth decay, and citrus fruits, like grapefruit and oranges, are high in acid, which weakens your enamel. These effects can be lessened by drinking water with your fruit, as well as having a healthy oral hygiene routine.

Orange Juice

Like fresh fruit, orange juice contains lots of healthy vitamins, but it also contains lots of sugar and acid. Orange juice is missing a key ingredient that fresh fruit has: fiber. The fiber in fresh fruit helps to counteract a lot of the negative effects fruit sugar and acid has on your teeth.

If you are drinking fruit juice in the morning, you are essentially concentrating the sugar and acid on your teeth, while removing the beneficial act of chewing. So, keep the the fresh fruit, but replace the juice with a glass of milk or water.


Breakfast wouldn’t be breakfast without a hot cup of coffee. If you are starting your morning off with coffee as a part of your breakfast, then you are getting a nice jolt of caffeine and you are possibly protecting your teeth from decay.

A recent study shows that roasted coffee beans fight the bacteria that cause tooth decay. So, a hot cup of coffee in the morning might actually be preventing cavities. There is one catch, though. This only applies to coffee without cream or sugar. If you are adding sweeteners to your coffee, then you are negating any cavity fight effects coffee might have.

One thing is for sure, though. Coffee is a notorious tooth stainer. Regular coffee consumption can yellow your teeth, which may only be a cosmetic dental issue, but is still a serious one. Stained teeth are one of the biggest reason people become unhappy with their smile. If you are not happy with your smile, you aren’t getting the most out of your teeth.

Don’t Forget to Brush

Brushing and flossing needs to be a regular part of your morning ritual, but do you know the best time to brush in the morning?

Brush either thirty minutes before, or thirty minutes after, after eating breakfast.

If you brush your teeth first thing in the morning, you’ll want to wait a while to eat because toothpaste affects the way food tastes. On the other hand, if you wait until after breakfast, wait at least 30 minutes. As we have mentioned, a lot of the food and beverages you enjoy for breakfast are high in acid, which weakens your enamel. Brushing too soon after eating breakfast could damage your teeth!

At New Albany Implants, we hope that you will keep on enjoying your breakfast in Southern Indiana. Just take a moment to protect your teeth.

Visit our Southern Indiana office for excellent dental care that will keep your smile healthy and bright. Call today to schedule an appointment.

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